
Q&A - TL 9000 Handbooks

The Contact Us function at the top of every page on the website is the preferred means for asking questions and receiving answers from the subject matter experts of the TIA QuEST Forum. Over the last few years many questions have been answered through this means. The number of each question is the ticket number in the Contact Us tracking system.

These questions generally relate to the usage of the TL 9000 handbooks.

Question 11584 — Where can I find the definitions terms identified in the requirements handbook: Suitability? Adequacy? Effectiveness?

Answer — Terms which have specific definitions for use with TL 9000 are contained in the glossary section of the applicable Handbook. Additionally, some terms are defined in ISO. The list of those terms is also contained in the glossary. For the three words you have asked about none have specific definitions within the TL 9000 Handbook. “Effectiveness” is defined in ISO 9000:2015. “Suitability” and “Adequacy” do not have definitions in either document. Therefore, the standard dictionary definitions would apply.

Question 12082 — In the TL 9000 Measurement Handbook, there is a standard called GR-230-CORE for engineering complaints. Could you please tell where we can get the standard?

Answer — GR-230 Generic Requirements for Engineering Complaints is a Telcordia specification and is available from them. However, it should be pointed out that unless you have a service provider customer that is sending you formal Engineering Complaints in accordance with GR-230, there is no need for you to use this specification.

Question 11070 — In the Measurement Handbook, in table A-2 there are places that are written as "NA" to report. Can you please explain what does NA mean?

Answer — NA means 'Not Applicable' and just means that the measurements aren't reported in that particular product category. “NA” and “N/A” are both shown in the list of Abbreviations and Acronyms within the Glossary. All the information in Table A-2 is captured in the MRS code that processes data submissions and it will tell you if a particular measurement is required or not reported in a product category.

AB/CB Team Question — My customer is requiring our organization to be TL 9000 Certified? Should I purchase the TL 9000 Handbooks?

Answer — It is not required that the TL 9000 Requirements or Measurements Handbook be purchased to be TL 9000 Certified. However, it will be very difficult to do so without the Handbooks. You can also use the free services of the Jump Start Mentor Program to learn more about the TL 9000 Certification process. See

AB/CB Team Question — My customer is requiring our organization to submit TL 9000 measurements, but we are not TL 9000 Certified. How can I learn more about the TL 9000 measurements?

Answer — It will be very difficult to calculate and submit TL 9000 measurements without the details contained within the Measurement Handbook. It is recommended that you purchase the Measurement Handbook, which is available at: Of course, your customer may also be able to provide you with the necessary information in order to meet their requirements.